Thursday, August 13, 2009

What's your vision?

Owen & Carter's first birthday is almost upon us and some times I have to wonder where the time went. The first three months were somewhat of a blur as sleep was definitely at a premium. They have grown and changed so much over the last year. It's hard to believe these 25 pound little boys were ever tiny, 6 pound newborns.

People always ask what it's like having twins and often I am at a loss for words. There is no way to accurately describe the joy of being a mother of multiples. Sure there are days when I want to pull my hair out and curse at the top of my lungs because they are both screaming and crying at the same time. And if I am being honest here, I should tell you that I've been known (on occasion) to join in. What's that saying again? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Most people tend to have this wonderful vision of what it would be like having twins. You know, the one where the babies are happily entertaining each other, sharing toys, giggling and carrying on without a care in the world. I too fell victim to this picture perfect dream, that is until I actually became a mother of multiples. That vision was quickly shattered when I realized not only did Owen and Carter not show any interest in each other, but that they seemed to be oblivious to the fact that they weren't the only baby in the house.

It's only in the last few months that Owen and Carter have really started taking notice of their other half. Every morning and after their naps they greet each other with big toothy grins, almost as if they haven't seen each other for days. It is these moments that melt my heart and make me feel truly blessed to be the mother of identical twin boys. I guess those visions weren't so far fetched after all, it just took some time.

Here are some videos I shot a couple of days ago.... does this look like your vision of twins?

OWEN & CARTER- 08-10-2009 006.mpg

OWEN & CARTER- 08-10-2009 003.mpg

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I have shamelessly stolen "Wordless Wednesday" from some of my fellow BBC blogging Mommas. It's a way for me to post some recent photos of my adorable little monkey's without having to write a long note. So without further ado....

OWEN & CARTER- 08-12-2009 017 Like my Baby Legs?
OWEN & CARTER- 08-12-2009 016 Don't worry Daddy, these aren't tights.

OWEN & CARTER- 07-10-2009 017
OWEN & CARTER- 08-10-2009 017

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In memory of my Momma (Nana)

As most of my blog followers know, my beautiful Momma (Catherine) passed away on June 30th, 2009, after a very courageous battle with cancer. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with her before she left us, time I will always cherish, and certainly never forget. It's still so hard to believe she's gone that sometimes I have to remind myself. I keep expecting the phone to ring and hear the sweet sound of her voice. It has been almost a month since we lost her and I miss her so much.

In memory of my Momma, I decided to dedicate this blog post to the beautiful woman we called a loving wife, a cherished daughter, a devoted mother, a doting Nana and a loyal friend.

Momma 002 A loving wife...

Wedding Shower Photos 004 A cherished daughter...

Momma 010 A devoted mother...

Momma 003 A doting nana...

Always Loving: Always Loved

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Owen & Carter's Baptism

After much procrastination Josh & I thought it was time to have Owen & Carter baptized. We got in contact with Father Rick from Saint James' where Josh and I were married in 2006. He was kind enough to arrange the service just a few short weeks later. It was truly a family event as Jon & Jule decided it would be nice to have Graysen & Andrew baptized on the same day. All of the kids were on their best behaviour (as were the parents) and the service went off without a hitch....minus a few missing shoes! We had a small reception back at our place afterward, where family and friends joined in the celebration. I am still waiting for some of my blog readers to send me some of their photos. Hint hint!

Unfortunately I didn't get many photos of the boys since they slept through most of the reception. I am still waiting for my blog readers to send me some of their photos. Hint hint! Here is a special picture of Owen & Carter admiring their beautiful wooden cross from Great Aunt Karen & Uncle Bill. It was crafted out of wood from the original church in Mount Forest.

Owen & Carter- 04-26-2009 101


It's been a few weeks since my last posting and boy do I have a lot to catch up on. We celebrated Easter by having brunch at Gramma & Grampas, and dinner at our place. I managed to get a few photos of the gang with the exception of Jon & Graysen since she was sick. Maybe I'll finally get the whole gang when we gather at Jon & Jule's to celebrate Gran's upcoming birthday! It was a wonderful weekend filled with good food, family and friends.
Owen & Carter- Easter 2009 023
Owen & Carter 04-10-2009 003
Owen & Carter 04-10-2009 004

Friday, April 24, 2009

Meatatarian? I think not.

Owen & Carter will be 8 months old this Sunday. Where does the time go? Last night Josh and I decided it was time to try giving the boys meat. I had honestly thought about doing it a few months ago, but I just couldn't. Not because I thought they were too young, because the look of pureed meat was enough to deter me. It was time for me to get over my fear and anxiety of meat in a jar. Is it just me, or is something about that just terribly wrong?

I had heard many babies have odd reactions to meat for the first time, so I came prepared for the occasion with my camera in tow. Let me tell you, I was not in the least disappointed. As I popped open the jar of chicken and chicken broth I was immediately overcome with horror. Those of you who have cats will understand what I'm talking about. The disgusting gelatinous mush in the jar not only looked like cat food, but smelled and probably tasted like it too! Now being the good Mom that I am, I usually taste all of the food before I give it to Owen & Carter, but last night was Daddy's turn to be the good parent! Judging by the look on Josh's face I think it was fair to assume it tasted as horrible as it looked.

Here is Owen's reaction to his first taste of cat food. I mean meat. Is it wrong that Josh and I laughed the entire time he was eating? Does it make us bad parents? Call us what you was funny! You be the judge.

Meatatarian? I think not!

Giggly Guys

No one can make Owen & Carter laugh quite like their silly Daddy. They were in exceptionally giddy moods last night and I was able to capture some of their simultaneous giggles on video. What is making them laugh you may ask? For some reason Owen & Carter find it hilarious when you spit their soothers at them. Who knew something so simple could be so funny?

Giggly Guys